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Welcome to the Rochester Catholic Schools Department of Technology. Our mission is to ensure that our students and educators are empowered to use technology as an integral part of the educational process.

Our Rochester Catholic Schools Department of Technology's goals are:

  • To provide all Rochester Catholic Schools students with the 21st Century skills and knowledge for their full Christian development, access to higher education, and success in their future vocations.
  • To provide access to technology to all students wherever and whenever it is needed, including a one-to-one device-to-student model in Grades 6-12 and the availability and use of mobile labs at the primary grade levels.
  • To include technology in student’s extracurricular activities as needed.
  • To integrate technology into all facets of instruction in order to support curriculum goals and student learning.
  • To allow for the use of digital, flexible, and personalized curriculum.
  • To provide faculty and staff with all the necessary technology support and professional development.
  • To provide the tools and facilities necessary for the effective and efficient operation of the Rochester Catholic Schools.
  • To provide the underlying system and network infrastructure to facilitate the above goals, including sufficient network availability and bandwidth and providing a safe and secure systems environment.

RCS Department of Technology

Department Staff

Chris Youngers
Director of Technology

Thomas MacCartney
RCS Network Administrator

Julie Degen
Technology Support Coordinator

Stevanus Budiman
Data Systems Manager