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In the 13th century, St. Francis lived in Assisi, Italy and founded the Fransciscan Order. As he walked the streets of Assisi, he greeted others saying, “Pace e Bene,” meaning peace and all that is good in Italian. The Sisters of St. Francis brought that Franciscan Spirituality to Our Lady of Lourdes Academy in Rochester in 1877. We have been so blessed over these 146 years with incredible support from the Catholic school Community, which made the growth from one school in 1877-- to the five schools, one mission--we are today. 

Let's honor this legacy! Rochester Catholic Schools invite you to become a founding member of the Pace e Bene Society. Members of the
Pace e Bene Society desire to ensure "peace and all that is good" in Rochester Catholic Schools and Lourdes Foundation today and for years to come. These members will also commit to a monthly contribution that is automatically deducted from their bank account or credit credit. 

Together we can ensure the legacy of 'peace and all that is good' in Rochester Catholic Schools!



Please use the donation form below to make a tax-deductible donation to Rochester Catholic Schools.


If you would like to make a gift to scholarships established by the Lourdes Foundation, please use the button below.

Join the Pace e Bene Society