The purpose of the Home and School Association (HSA) is to support quality Catholic education for the children at St. Francis of Assisi School through a collaborative volunteer/school network of communications and activities. The HSA works to promote the educational, spiritual, cultural, and social welfare of our school. In addition, the HSA provides support for the administration and faculty of the school.
The HSA serves many important functions including:
- encouraging and edifying the St. Francis community through social activities,
- enlisting, coordinating, and equipping volunteers to enrich student life,
- advocating and advancing academic and fundraising activities,
- providing support and contributions for annually budgeted activities,
- championing programs and materials for the enhancement of our students and staff.
Get Involved The HSA meets on the first Monday of the month in the school library. Monthly agendas are determined and meetings facilitated by the co-chairs. Elections of new officers are held annually. Volunteer opportunities will be posted on our volunteer webpage and advertised in the St. Francis of Assisi Weekly Broadcast throughout the academic year. We encourage every family to become involved either by volunteering, donating, attending, or providing ideas and input! Everyone is needed to help us be all that we can be! Please feel free to contact one of our officers for more information.
Because student safety and well-being is the priority of RCS and the Diocese of Winona, all volunteers are required to take part in the “VIRTUS: Protecting God’s Children” volunteer training program. Click here to learn more.
Join us on Facebook! Click here for the St. Francis HSA Facebook page.