We are pleased to announce Father James Steffes of the Church of Resurrection in Rochester, has been appointed to the Board of Trustees at Rochester Catholic Schools.
Fr. Steffes is the sixth of seven children born to Ralph & Darlene in Milwaukee, WI. He entered IHM Seminary/St. Mary’s University, Winona, in the fall of 1983 graduating four years later. Following his graduation, he entered Mundelein Seminary for his first year of Theology and then completed his studies in Rome at the Gregorian (STB) and Angelicum Universities (STL). Fr. Steffes was ordained in 1993. He spent the first 18 years of priesthood in special ministry, which included high school teacher/chaplain at Loyola Mankato, St. Joseph the Worker & Holy Family and Vocation Director/Director of Seminarians from 1996-2002.
From 1997-2008, he served as Director of Spirituality/Spiritual Director and Rector of IHM Seminary, followed by Executive Director of CCLV (USCCB), Vicar General/Moderator of the Curia/Vicar for Clergy, pastor of Holy Trinity, Rollingstone, St. Mary’s, Minnieska, St. Paul, and Minnesota City, followed by St. Augustine/St. Edward, Austin from 2011-2023. During this time he also oversaw the operations of Pacelli Catholic Schools.
Fr. Steffes is excited to be involved with Rochester Catholic Schools! He strongly believes that "we need to provide our children with an excellent academic education that is rooted in strong Catholic values to influence our world. I think RCS has done this well, but I believe there is an even greater potential that can be tapped here –with the guidance of the Spirit– and I want to be a part of that."
He loves to spend time with family and friends, to cook/eat, travel, golf, pray and serve the Lord and His people.
Join us as we give a warm RCS welcome to Fr. Steffes!
Learn more about the trustees here.