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Volunteer Opportunities

We love our volunteers! Volunteers are critical to the activities and life of Holy Spirit Catholic School. We offer abundant opportunities for participation and encourage every family to become involved. No job is too small. No time commitment is too short. Our volunteers come in different shapes and sizes. Everyone is needed to help us be all that we can be!

Review the list below for volunteer opportunities and/or contact your child’s teacher for opportunities specific to individual classrooms.

Because student safety and well-being is the priority of RCS and the Diocese of Winona, all volunteers are required to take part in the “VIRTUS: Protecting God’s Children” volunteer training program. Click here to learn more.

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Lunchroom Volunteers - help our kitchen staff by serving and helping children with condiments, opening food and milk and wiping tables
  • Library Volunteers - spend a half hour during your child’s library time helping children check out books and restock shelves
  • Grade Parent Volunteer - organize volunteers for one event during the year and one service project. Some teachers may also have you help find volunteers for them during the year
  • Science Fair - be a part of the Science Fair Planning committee or simply help the evening of the Fair
  • Spaghetti Dinner/Silent Auction - this is our single biggest fundraiser. Help with planning, donations or simply volunteering the evening of the event
  • Classroom Helpers - Teachers all have different ways they use parent volunteers - tear out workbook pages, plan class parties, help out with in class events or other opportunities
  • Field Trip Chaperones
  • Or, just as simple as a half hour setting up here or donating a food or beverage for a teacher meal. Your time and money is valuable and we appreciate everything!